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The Goddess ORACLE

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

The Goddess can be one and she can be many

Isis speaks, she says: “Come to your house, come to your house! You of On, come to your house, Your foes are not! O good musician, come to your house! Behold me, I am your beloved sister, You shall not part from me!”

Excerpt from “The Lamentations of Isis and Nepthys: Recitation of Blessings made by the Two Sisters in the House of Osiris-Khentamenti, the Great God, Lord of Abydos, in the Fourth Month of Inundation, Day 25”

Image from Joy Shannon’s album · ‘The Oracle’

At times, as Isis or as Ma’at, her sister Nepthys, or as Priestess or Prophetess, she manifests a divine connection with Spirit, channelling the Words and advice needed at any given moment in time.

In ancient times it was believed that the god or goddess spoke directly through the Oracle.

The original meaning of Oracle referred to a Priestess or Priest making predictions, often through divination or direct channelling, and is a Latin word translating as to speak.

As we travel through cosmic circles of time, we come to ancient Greece and see the famous and fierce Oracle of Delphi — The Pythia — the mysterious and mystical woman who brings forth the powerful poetic predictions that often needed translation and interpretation.

HÆLOS — “Oracle” —

Hear me out

Watch as the sky falls down

Dissolve under caustic cloud

Spin as the world goes round

Savour the calm

Savour the calm

For your salvation

Savour the calm

Senseless sick

Caught up in politick

Spend my time out of it

Spin as the world goes round

Savour the calm

Savour the calm

For your salvation

Savour the calm

The Pythia

“When the Prytanies’ seat shines white in the island of Siphnos, White-browed all the forum — need then of a true seer’s wisdom — Danger will threat from a wooden boat, and a herald in scarlet.”

The Pythoness in “The Histories, Herodotus”

Reda Abdel Rahman · Sacred Feminine

The Pythia or Pythoness, seen as the mouthpiece of Apollo, or the Oracle of Delphi, only gave prophecies on the 7th of day of each month and was not seen to be infallible.

However, any inconsistencies were seen as either the changeability of the gods or poor interpretation by the consulter.

She was the main source of divination for the wealthy classes of Greece consulted, and had considerable authority within Hellenic culture, very unusual for a woman in such a male dominated culture.

“Make your own nature, not the advice of others, your guide in life.” Delphic oracle advice to Cicero, 83 BC

The Sibylline Oracles

“And then again did Noah sound this strain: ‘O men exceeding wretched, base in heart, Unstable, leaving modesty behind And loving shamelessness, rapacious lords, Fierce sinners, false, insatiate, mischievous, 220 In nothing true, stealthy adulterers, Flippant in language, pouring forth foul words, The wrath of God most high not fearing, kept To the fifth generation to atone! In no way do ye wail, harsh men, but laugh; 225 Sardonic smile1 shall ye laugh, when shall come That which I speak — God’s dire incoming flood’..”

— The Sacred Texts, Book One, Sibylline Oracles

The Sibylline Oracles, whose utterances were so secret we only now have access to pseudo-texts, are remembered in ancient writings as ‘frenzied women from whose lips the god speaks’.

These were the Sibyls, prophetic priestesses of the divine, who gave voice to revelations of the gods whilst in a frenzied or feverish state.

Egyptian Goddess Wadjet

Reda Abdel Rahman · Connect

“The goddess Wadjet appears in the form of the living Uraeus to anoint your head with her flames.

She rises up on the left side of your head and she shines from the right side of your temples without speech.

She rises up on your head during each and every hour of the day, even as she does for her father Ra.

And through her the terror which you inspire in the spirits is increased.

She will never leave you, are of you, strikes into the souls which are made perfect.”

— “The Book of the Dead”

Wadjet — the ‘Eye of the Moon’ or Egyptian winged serpent goddess was portrayed as either a snake-headed or cobra priestess, or seen holding two snakes.

The sacred temple Per-Wadjet devoted to her worship was wherein her oracle dwelt.

Tibetan Buddhist Oracle

“In these degenerate times, I, who am called Vajrasattva, will abide in the form of the spiritual master. With the aim of benefiting sentient beings, I will abide in an ordinary form.”

— Tantric text from “Vajra Tent”

Artist · Reda Abdel Rahman

The Dalai Lama consults a number of oracles.

One is an amazing young Tibetan woman Khadro La, known as The Tsengma Oracle.

She’s seen to be the Medium for the mountain goddess Tseringma, and 11 other goddesses.

She’s also known as ‘The Kuten’.

This literally means, ‘The physical basis’.

Ancient Indian Akashwani

Oracles played key roles in many of the major incidents of the epics Mahabharat and Ramayana.

An example is that Kamsa, the evil uncle of lord Krishna, was informed by an oracle that the eighth son of his sister Devaki would kill him.

Akashwani, or Ashareera vani (a person without a body or unseen) also known as to Hindus as the ‘voice from the sky’, was the Oracle whose message was thought to be from a god.

Shapeshifting Words

The words of an oracle shapeshift according to what’s within the heart of those who see them.

What I’m saying here is when you first encounter profoundly spiritual words, they can be loaded with feelings, intentions, thoughts and the deeper unconscious motivations of the person who wrote or channelled them.

You can feel very affected by your first impressions of those words, depending on your sensitivity. Later, you may find the intensity of the original intentions have died away due to the passage of time, or shifts within the heart of the person who wrote them.

Sometimes the words hold an almost completely different energy at a later time; and this is when you embrace the new thoughts gently in your heart and shift time, you can change the past, you can make a new story.

Sometimes a story doesn’t want to be rewritten at all, it wants to eternally stay the same. And its power remains just as strong as the day it was first written.

And then you have to listen very carefully to its message, its song, its colours — and feel the subtle or not-so subtle energy — the heaviness or lightness, sharpness or softness, and the ongoing intention.

Every word is like a loaded sun.

Sacred Sites

In ancient times it wasn’t only the person who was thought to be the medium of the gods.

The site of the temple, the ground on which it stood, and the very air you breathed, were also felt to be sacred.

The grounds and the earth were divined by Seers as to where these ley-lines ran that conjoined in powerful grids, creating a portal for the divine to come through.

So the area itself was a kind of gateless gateway of the Gods — a celestial conduit between the heavens and earth — to clearly channel through the messages from Spirit.

Secret Gems

In Buddhist and Zen traditions there are lamas and others who incarnate with a natural born knowledge of where to find profound secret gems hidden within sacred scriptures.

Reda Abdel Rahman · Wisdom

African Oracles

In West African traditions, the Griot or Jeli is the historian.

The storyteller, praise singer, poet and/or musician.

The Jeli has to know many traditional songs, and have the ability to improvise on current events, chance incidents and the passing scene.

Their wit can be piercing and their knowledge of history needs to be strong. (wiki)

Gems of truth and wisdom

Falling into the heart, soul and mind of the incarnated oracle, seer, and visionary through whispers of Spirit, they can channel the archangels or the daemon.

The Akasha and sometimes even G-d.

They’re the Messenger, the conduit or sacred bridge between the heavens and earth — a living Torus and Antakarana — who reflects on both the light and the shadow of the people.

And as a clear channel or a Hollow Bones, as Native American tradition names this, through which the language of light can most easily pass, bringing forth profoundly sacred messages sent from the heavens.

Spirit of the Marketplace

A prophet/prophetess is a divinely inspired speaker with deep and intense vision.

They’re very often misunderstood, feared, or simply not believed. And anyone who demonstrates an uncanny sense of timing is fodder for the superstitious nature of the ignorant, who just don’t understand the divine timing of prescient vision.

Artist · Reda Abdel Rahman

Many believed, and still do, the events foreseen were in fact created by the Messenger.

Who knows the Truth of this?

Anything is possible.

The Power of the Word

But the power of the Word must always be used with great discernment and too many are ready to shoot the Messenger, in a superstitious haze — believing the Oracle has created the natural or unnatural event currently shaking their world in such terrifying ways — when in fact God or the Gods have done so, or some indeed are simply mis-deeds by the hands of men — or women.

Yes truly some Oracles have the power to change the direction of the wind, to bring the calamity of the storm, to call on the earth to shake, or to bring in fire through some dark arts.

But why would they?

When instead they can simply and clearly relay the Message sent from God.

It’s the unwise, the power-crazed sorcerer, or sorceress, who promotes themselves as able to do such things.

It’s imperative to separate the Message from the Messenger. To educate the people to stop projecting the power of the Gods onto a Messenger, when they’re simply relaying a Message from God as a sacred conduit for the divine.

This needs to be clarified, it seems, over and over — throughout time — and in this time, once more.

Prophets in the Marketplace

And don’t be misinformed — many prophets or visionaries of ancient days also had a small business, and didn’t live constantly in temples or as ascetics, or celibates, or without a family.

No ascended master or true spiritual teacher has ever expected the people of the world to stop farming or raising families, have loved ones, or create healthy sustainable communities.

This includes priest and priestess, prophet and prophetess — many Oracles did not always work full-time in the temples. They often had a very full life aside from this work.

Not always, but often.

And the message of the enlightened ones has always been that of ‘right livelihood’.

That is — of making a living in a positive and ethical way that does no harm.

Photo · Sam Manns · Unsplash



Nepthys, Khnum and Isis · Ancient Egyptian art

Copyright 2019/2020 © Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes. All rights reserved.

I first published this in MEDIUM on May 9, 2019

None of my messages are about other people (ie 'celebrities' and so on) - no matter what they might think - these come from me, to you my friend, for your soul upliftment

Love. You.

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