Masters in Applied Social Science/Counselling (ongoing)
Australian College of Applied Psychology
Theories of Contemporary Society
5 units credited
Master of Arts in Counselling, Uni of Canberra (ongoing)
Professional Supervision – 1unit
Education Research Masters unit
Post Graduate Diploma in Community Counselling – Canberra University
Theories in Counselling – a multi- theoretical approach
Advanced Counselling Skills I
Advanced Counselling Skills II
Counselling Group work
Ethical Frameworks
Child, Youth and Family Studies
Grief and Loss Counselling
Education Research Unit
NatureCare College
Diploma of Holistic Counselling and Life Care
Namasté and welcome. Mystic, healer, shaman and master, awakened being Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes is a living incarnation of love and wisdom. She is a guide to those who seek liberation from the darkest chains of life’s miseries to their birthright of freedom and wisdom. In her compassion to all those who are suffering, her teachings are a powerful guide to all those seeking inner peace, harmony and how to rise above the shadows of everyday life.
She has devised a range of methods, to birth and nurture the growth of all those seeking enlightenment within this lifetime, or at least to walk on the path in this way. Those who are seeking to participate in this path to enlightenment will be notified of her dialogues, meditation retreats and workshops, and all these teachings are open, available to all, from all paths, all religions all spiritual beliefs
Connect with the wisdom of this master teacher and allow her wisdom to burn through the veils and entanglements that have held you back from your own wisdom. Through the veils of darkness and into the truly glorious life of light and freedom you came here to remember, create and live.
​I have relevant Spiritual training - following are a small sample of my vast spiritual studies with various teachers and personal studies:
Level 1 Reiki with Yvonne George (from PTV), Sydney
Level 2 Reiki with Julie Heskins in Cairns FNQ (Rainforest Reiki)
Diploma in Remedial Massage / Nature Care College, Sydney
Holistic Counselling Levels I, II and III / Nature Care College, Sydney
Vajrasattva Tantric Initiation, at Khacho Yulo Ling Buddhist Centre, Cairns, FNQ
taught by Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe – Drogmi Buddhist Institute
Please inquire if you’d like to know more about my spiritual teachers and studies and I’ll happily discuss with you!
“Today we find our peace and balance within, protecting our own soft heart energy whilst we take time to heal. Finding what it is that brings us to a place of peace, joy, balance and harmony within our soul. What is that for you?”
Spiritual Counselling
Psychic + Medium readings
Mediumship + energetic healings
Anxiety + Trauma Counselling
Sexuality Counselling
Loss + Bereavement Counselling
Open Channelled Readings
Distance + Hands-on Reiki/Energetic + Healing Sessions
Love you,