The light of a calm mind awakens our inner awareness.
Not always easy in an outer world filled with chaos + destruction. Creating sanctuary within can be a challenge, day in day out.
We can but try. Never give up + don’t be hard on yourself if you're emotionally affected by the day. Get up, shed a tear,
dust down your clothes + keep the faith.
By trying again.
Artist Autumn Skye · ’Revelation’
What Lives Within
When meditation deepened + insight awakened further, many western meditators found not only profound peace but also often accessed other not so comfortable places of the psyche such as old wounds of ‘unworthiness + self-criticism, shame + self-hatred’.
This often came from a history of trauma, rejection + coldness from loved ones, leading to a deep sense of unworthiness + not being lovable.
Jack Kornfield, Buddhist teacher, purportedly discussed this with the Dalai Lama who apparently needed some intensive translation to understand the concept of ‘self-hatred’.
His response was this:
“But that’s a mistake. Every being is precious!”
Artist Autumn Skye · ‘HeartSpeak’
Copyright 2020 © Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes. All rights reserved.
I first published this in MEDIUM on Mar 21 2020