You may not think so right now, but in time, believe me, you’ll see….

Andreas Fidler · Unsplash
You’ve reached the top of the first mountain — and the outlook is good!
Your work is accomplished and the results will be swift. And feel assured your relationships with others are warmhearted and good.
Don’t presume success though — just keep moving forward, step by step.


Our existence here on Earth is truly a rite of passage on our journey back home. Know this — the higher your calling the greater your tests.
So have courage, my friend.
Each day arise from your bed. Don’t wait on the praise of others only listen to your God.
Your calling speaks straight and true to your heart when you are Spirit led…

Karan Chawla · Unsplash
I Ching: Mothering Change The I Ching, or ancient Chinese Oracle of Change, is second only to the Bible as the most widely read and interpreted…

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