Hypnotic Regression or Progression : you choose…
My Inner Peace MasterClass Inner-View with Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas
“Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is not a subset or component of any other modality. While some licensed practitioners may use hypnosis to complement their practice, hypnotherapy has a wider scope. Hypnotists, Hypnotherapists, Hypno Counselors and Coaches provide helpful holistic tools to individuals and groups. In essence hypnosis belongs to everyone. It is your natural ability to know the truth about you and your life.
— excerpt from “The Rightful Profession of Hypnosis: Beware of Those Who Limit Our Profession”, The International Hypnosis Federation

Dream Temples of Ancient Egypt
“When you enter the abode of the god
Which smells of incense, you must be pure
And thought is pure when you think with piety.”
— Inscription at the main gate of sanctuary of the god Asklepios at ancient Epidaurus.
Many people think hypnosis is something new, something modern, a by-product of today's New Age cults, but nothing could be further from the truth. These modern myths and misconceptions do nothing but scare people off from a medicinal tool that’s truly marvellous and deeply beneficial in the hands of the right skilled and ethical practitioner.
Its origins are not in the last couple of hundred years nor steeped in modern esoteric metaphysics, no. Although a resurgence occurred in the 1800’s, in fact it can be traced as far back as ancient Egyptian times, back to Imhotep and of course, even much further back in time, when we seek within our Akashic memories.
Freud, Janet and Binet promoted its use once more in the psychological toolbox, but let’s look much further back in time than these later pioneers of the psyche.
The Persians, Chinese, Indians, Sumerians, Greeks and Romans all practiced forms of hypnosis in one way or another. The Egyptian, and Grecian Sleep or Dream Temples were healing spaces for the ill where hypnosis was used, and the Law of Manu, a Sanskrit text of ancient India, documented Ecstasy-Sleep, Dream-Sleep, and Sleep-Waking as distinct stages of hypnotic trance.
The Egyptian Ebers Papyrus of 1550 BC and another from the 3rd century C.E. document the hypnotic healing, ‘laying-on of hands, hand-passes and eye- fixation’ healing practices of the time (Mongiovi).
The ancient Sleep Temples were dedicated to a healer god of the day such as the Egyptian Imhotep, and the Grecian Asklepios. Those seeking healing often travelled very long distances to reach such a temple, then prepared and purified through devotional activities such as periods of fasting, lustration, sensory deprivation or over-stimulation, ritual drama, invocation rituals, and imbibing mineral-rich waters from sacred springs.
After all this preparation they were then deemed ready to lie upon the ‘sacred skin’, almost as a type of gestation time, in anticipation of the restorative reverie.
These Sleep Temples and their ‘dream incubation’ processes prevailed for thousands of years, so were clearly effective, and were seen primarily as places for ethereal spiritual medicine for the soul, although real operations also took place there.
The impact of the powerful revelations that came in for the dream-body whilst sleeping was never underestimated, and the trance state was seen as a portal for divine messages to come through and bring the miracles on in.
Soothing the pain with the Paean
The superb acoustics of these Temples were such that the most delicate and sweetest melodies of the quiet Grecian lyre could penetrate to even the farthest corner and grotto, and lightly uplift the sleeping reverie.
The Paean was a particular type of hymnal music involving a circular chorus of singers calling to the gods to hear their prayers for the suffering, and bring in the healing needed.
The valuable healing nature of music used within ritual for the sleepers, expressed the innate belief of the times of the potent power of the unconscious psyche over the health of the physical body.
Psychic soul surgery
Scribes called Lamatas were on hand to record in detail all dreams, healing experiences and any spiritual phenomena as they occurred during the sacred sleep, and these texts were placed prominently at strategic vantage points as a type of advertising or promotional material!
If the god came to you in your dream you were very likely to experience a spontaneous and miraculous healing through an aetheric form of ‘psychic surgery’.
Dreams could also bring in divine messages about remedies that could be used in the healing process. Priests were on hand to help interpret or translate any obscure or inexplicable messages.
The Healer King concept
I’m going to write more about this in later articles, but we need to understand the origin of the concept of king was as healer and adviser, not as lord and master of all.
Although this often naturally happened, as their worldly standing elevated due to the fame spreading of their natural born vast healing capacities.
The king was a high priest or priestess (again many more fallacies were spread cross the ages about the fixed gender of certain royalty being male, when it’s obvious, for example, many Pharaohs were female and portrayed as suckling their babies), and often the bisexual or the transgender person was seen as having even more magically divine and heavenly healing powers.
So thus we have the Healer King (male or female) as the magical priestly conduit between heaven and earth.
The Magnetism of Mesmerism
The divine ‘royal touch’ of the Healer Kings and Princes of times gone by was attributed with miraculous powers. In later times these powers were often credited as originating from the skilled use of mesmerism or magnetism. After many years of experimenting with use of actual magnetic plates, replacing prior use of holy or sacred relics and tools, Franz Mesmer discovered he could induce a trance without any such implements.
He then mistakenly concluded the trance was induced either through him or some kind of invisible fluid, and it was finally one of his students, the Marquis de Puysegur, who was able to engender a deep somnambulist hypnotic sleep without relegating the mesmerising powers to himself, but rather to some other force, as yet unnamed.
It was in 1813 that the priest Abbe Faria ascertained it was not the hypnotist who caused the trance state but rather, that the phenomena was engendered through the mind of the person themself, undergoing the treatment.
Later, Ambroise-Auguste Liebeault, considered the father of modern hypnotherapy, was convinced the causes were psychological rather than through any magnetic means, and also that suggestion was a powerful path to the sleep hypnotic state.
But it was Braid who brought in the concept of psychosomatic healing.
In those times some thousands of brave subjects also went through actual surgery without any other pain relief than an induced hypnotic state. The World Wars I and II and the Korean war, all renewed interest again in the use of hypnotism for traumatic injuries, and also in the field of psychiatry and dentistry.
Dr. Shelley’s thoughts:
“The world’s first doctors were shamans who embraced physical, emotional and spiritual energy as one. Shamanism relies heavily upon entrancing ceremony and rituals to evoke the desired state of mind.
Many rituals involve hypnotic tools like smells, smoke, repetition, sound, suggestion, and sleep deprivation. Some rely on mood altering substances.
A shaman has often been the spiritual healer who assists others to awaken deeper states of consciousness and soul searching.
Such states focus upon living in celebration, releasing discomfort or blocks, restoring wellness and becoming enlightened. Shamans have also been called alchemists, oracles, medicine men, medicine women, mundunugu, hunas, ducuns, witch doctors, exorcists, magicians, sorcerers, warlocks, witches, dowsers and those who do voodoo.
In shamanic society, the holiest healer was the wounded healer. For in the wounding, the gods were summoned for healing to take place.
Those who overcame were gifted with their power to heal others.
Soul retrieval, psychic surgery, healing touch, Reiki, and healing suggestion from enlightened hypnotherapists have and do work miracles.”
Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas · Dr. Shelley says what’s on her mind. What do you think?
Take Back Your Soul
“Ancestors of all cultures: shamans, healers, hunas, medicine people and priests note that during painful rituals and traumas of life, we lose vitality and joy.
Our language talks about “lost souls” or having your “spirit broken.”
Psychologists call these experiences “dissociation caused by trauma” or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Trauma is held in your cells even if you don’t consciously notice it. Take back your soul.
Stay conscious and you’ll have healthy boundaries. Hypnosis and Shamanic soul retrieval bring back disowned essences and heal the past. A nice way to do soul retrieval is with a friend or sitter or someone who specializes in it.
Just like western hypnotherapy, the goal is integration.”

Shelley · Cafe Wayan, Ubud, Bali · 2015
How to do Soul Retrieval:
“Play enchanting music. Drumming, the pounding surf or “ohm-ing” are great and then…
1. Bless yourself: “I bless myself on all levels: Physically with radiant health, energy, vitality; Mentally with clear thinking, focus, direction, to find my path and purpose; Emotionally with unconditional love, peace, joy, and harmony for myself and others; and Spiritually with guidance so that I may truly fulfil my life’s purpose.”,
2. Breathe: Take a deep breath, and let it out. You can shake a rattle, drum, chant and voice tone.
3. Affirm: Think these words or say them out loud: “I take back my soul, I am whole. I take back my soul, I am holy.”
4. Take a shamanic journey: Imagine yourself traveling in the void back to any time in your life where your soul essence, vitality, or energy separated from your being. It could be a little memory, such as skinning your knee, or a big memory, such as being beaten, molested or abandoned. When you find that thought, image, memory, or uneasy feeling, invite that little you out of hiding.
“Come home, it’s safe now. It’s time to come.”
Use whatever ploy is necessary to convince this disengaged part of you to leave this parallel reality and come back home. Call upon allies, guides, fantasies, anything you need to do the convincing.
When it is done, breathe fully to your heart, and let in that part of yourself, saying,
“Welcome home, it’s safe now. I love you.”
Excerpt from chapter ‘Shamanistic Soul Retrieval’ by SHELLEY STOCKWELL-NICHOLAS, PhD, from her book, “Hypnosis: How to Put a Smile On Your Face and Money In Your Pocket”

Our Inner Peace MasterClass Interview
Inner-Viewee : Shelley Stockwell Nicholas
Host/Inner- Viewer : Julie Cairnes
In late 2017, I interviewed 23 wonderful visionaries, authors, thinkers, and extraordinary professional practitioners from all ‘round the world, in the area of Inner Peace, for my Inner Peace MasterClass series.
This particular interview feels especially poignant and pertinent in these tragic times of severe bushfires rendering the air toxic poisonous and unbreathable for many, followed by the almost unbelievable Global Corona-virus Pandemic, a time of face masks and fear of the very air we breathe, and of being near or touching and hugging our loved ones, neighbours and the threat, and actualisation for many, of the cessation of just basically being out in the world doing our thing.
And even as I write this today there are still constant ongoing global discussions amongst heavyweight political, medical and world health organisations about just how airborne the virus actually is, and what its method of transmission might really be.
The bizarre movies I never really liked to watch about brain-dead flesh-eaters of some kind of zombie apocalypse now suddenly seem all that more possible.
The movies I did watch with great interest — those post apocalyptic stories of nuclear wastelands and humans living on the edge of starvation, as ruthless hunters and killers, far and away beyond any thought of living as peace-loving spiritual beings — are now also suddenly seeming a much more likely incoming reality…
In my country of Australia, the southern state of Victoria has yet again gone into severe lock-down, and the borders of all the states are once again under consideration of closing. The local and global economy is crashing, kept afloat by some generous government stimulus packages, which truly cannot last forever.
Things are serious, and this feels like it’s just the beginning of something even bigger.
Conspiracy theories abound, and some are saying that no-one is really in charge of, nor truly responsible for, all the troubles and disasters going down, with no one country or people fully to blame.
Some say it’s a conspiracy of the dark state, the cabal, the New Age movement, and the elite, to cull the weaker ones among us and reduce the global population, thus leaving more room and more resources — for them.
Many are foreseeing a time now coming in of the biblical micro-chipping ‘mark of the beast’, and readying themselves for further global apocalypse, through even more pandemics, wars, locust plagues, weather wars and all forms of natural and unnatural disasters.
Some of us, visionaries, saw this coming, and we tried to warn the world.
And sometimes it’s often only after the fact that a visionary premonition and prediction can be given credence, and sadly, this is probably the case here.
Time Travellers of the mind
But now I’d like to forward this proposition to you — that in fact, being within the state of hypnosis is actually an open portal to time travelling, without the machinery and risk to life and limb inherent in most sci-fi type time machines.
In my trance state Shelley induced, she in fact opened, very easily, a door within my supra-consciousness to step through to the future, and the ease with which this happened for me was somewhat astonishing.
However, I feel that my own extensive personal practice of dreaming back to ancient and future times in shamanic sleep states and other secret methods I use to fly the aetheric cosmic skies, gives me a totally open mind to experience walking in the future and returning to now, the past.
Here’s my amazing interview in late November 2017 with the effervescent intellect of Shelley-Stockwell Nicholas, the amazing International Hypnosis Federation Founder and President.
I loooooved this interview (well, I loved them all!) But this one was special in so many ways — this was the interview where Shelley skilfully took me into our future world through hypnotic forward progression…
Watch it to see what happens!
It’s really a crucially important and very concerning urgent message for everyone! I cannot stress this enough at this moment in time.
Remember your future as well as your past
Shelley has used the incredible power of hypnotic regression and progression (into the past and also the future) for over 40 years, helping you remember where you’ve come from AND also helping you how see who, and where you might be, in the future.
She brings out your message of our Divine work into the world by helping us see into our own many stories — past, present and future.
So there I was, talking with such a shining light and powerhouse, and in this very direct and powerful experience Shelley took me — and thus also you, our dear viewer — into our own future, and together we interpreted the imagery, impressions and messages we received.
Shelley and I discussed:
• How time is not linear, and • What happens in the future for us and our planet
So she took me into the future, and what I found was a starkly decimated and seemingly nuked and scorched planet, but yes, still it was this planet Earth. And this vision held a huge warning.
But that was then — 2017 — and we’re now already well into the sad time of our living transition into that dark and toxic future we and others had envisioned.
Can any of this be reversed, altered or shifted into a less destructive future for humanity and our beautiful planet? I’d like to think so, but only time will tell.
What kind of magical and visionary thinking would it take to stop the downward trajectory the planet now seems hellbent on, blinkers and all?
What will it take? Many still don’t see, and are content to ‘play the game’, no matter how destructive, and see it all as a sport.
After you watch this, I’d love for you to let me know what you think.
You can do this in the Comments section below this article, please feel free to share. I know many are having premonitions, dreams and visions, and many also are feeling terribly alone and more than a little afraid of what might be coming next, in this current time of global illness pandemic and lockdown.

Shelley · Taman Sari
So now, please join me as I interview the International Hypnosis Federation Founder and President, shining light and powerhouse, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas.
Shelley takes me through a fascinating forward progression hypnosis, into a future world.
I travel back in, from another time and place, and view our planet — unrecognisable, but still — Earth…
Hear my vision, know I’m not alone in this vision, see the possibilities, hear the warnings to us all…
And know that we are ALL conscious creators
and we still CAN change our beautiful world, for better or for worse…
In a sneak preview here, I can let you know that once she has me in a hypnotic trance state, Shelley asks me if I’m on planet Earth or elsewhere, taking me to the ‘future’ days of 2065, I think it was.
I very quickly became aware I was definitely not here on Earth at all — and was actually extremely far, far, far away from here, as far away as possible — light years away, I imagine — and very happy to not be here.
I’m able to fly, that’s my method of movement, and am in a luminous form, dwelling in a spiritually transcendent other-world with other light beings in our cosmos, in places difficult to describe.
I very reluctantly accept her kind invitation to descend back to Earth for the purpose of this interview and hypnotic time travel, and view where the planet is up to by this time.
I’m somehow able to imperceptibly (hopefully) enter someone’s living body briefly, maybe a bit like hitching a ride, in order to carry out the purpose of the mission.
So down I came, into the body of a strong young man with curly blonde hair.
Shelley asked me to look around and give my impressions and the visuals of the immediate environment.
The first thing I noticed was that the place seemed to be burning as though an oil fire had not been able to be extinguished, but on an unimaginably massive scale.
The ground under my feet was scorched and almost all structures around me were in smoking ruins. I seemed to be sitting on a massive flat surface much like the solar panels we have here now, but I realised this was where I slept, I had no roof over my head and was a worker drone human in the eyes of the rulers of the time, treated like an outdoor animal.
As I sat there, the flatbed sleeping panel was then hitched up to a kind of hover-craft, and I and others were being driven, I imagine, to where we would do our days work, whatever that was (I never got that far in this vision).
At Shelley's prompting I then described the air — it was horribly acidic and oily, and could in fact be seen, unlike our sweet and invisible air we have now. It was an oily and toxic sleazy pink and white, and that’s all that could be seen from there to the horizon.
There was no view, is what I’m saying, but this toxic air pollution in every direction.
Around my neck hung a large stylised object, that I finally realised was a face mask, and this was filled with a kind of watery fluid that detoxified and purified the air before we could then breathe it in. This mask could almost never be removed in certain areas. Almost all areas.
So yes. The days of wearing constant face masks. There it was.
In our long chat after this fascinating trance vision time travel walk, Shelley advised me that she and other visionaries — colleagues of hers —had themselves been in other forward futuristic progressions to the same time, and also seen almost exactly what I’d described. And that the device I’d seen hanging ‘round my neck was actually, yes, apparatus to filter the air and make it breathable.
In the vision, the pink colour in the air is extremely toxic and poisonously unbreathable air — this premonition was foreseen by a number of prominent seers as well as myself.
Shelley said she and the others had gone on further time travelling hypnotic trance explorations, to then find this toxicity to be due to what she called an ‘air event’ — either a nuclear explosion, or some other unnatural disaster perpetrated by mankind against itself — rendering the air a permanently sickly pink colour, toxic and very poisonous.
This was how it was folks, and not only have I seen this, but a number of others have also been there, to that future.
That reality. That possibility.
Call it what you will, it’s now all getting a bit too real and close for comfort.

An artist’s impression of a ReGen Village, a sustainable neighborhood where families produce their own food, generate their own power and contribute community labour · Image: ReGen Villages Holding
How and why did it all get to this place?
It’s my belief that there’s a battle on this earth — some say it’s between light and dark. I say very dark forces of magical power are being used, and the planet herself is feeling the shock-waves in her very bones and waters.
If you don’t have some knowledge of those forces, you’d better educate yourself. This doesn’t mean you have to use magic — but learn how to protect, repel and return the energies to sender. This is extremely effective.
Those that are using old magic, are using it with the intent of mind control, power over and theft of life force of others. An incredible circle of corruption has forcibly taken hold of the technological reigns of the planet, through a mighty invisible hacking job, and thus they have the conduit to almost every corner of this planet, and into every unprotected mind that allows them in.
They use sugar-coated New Age aphorisms that gradually wear down many people’s resistance to realising the very real abuse they’re undergoing at the hands of these evil people. The perpetrators constantly publicly forgive themselves their relentless immoral and abusive actions perpetrated on the mind body and soul of others.
They do all this to gain a permanent foothold on the stage of worldly power, to assuage an empty black hole within them. And the unwitting and innocent people they target gradually fall apart emotionally, psychologically and ultimately — physically.
They place innocent people under criminally illegal surveillance in the way a controlling fascist government would, and yet they are not government. They do this to attempt to control, demean and distress their victims.
They hold invisible voting ballots open to some but not others, designed to illegally keep them in positions of power.
The global disruption and destruction they’ve caused has been immeasurable.
And the rage of the living planet and also of the almighty God, has not even yet truly begun to be fully unleashed. They think the rage of God does not exist, but they have another think coming.
They’ve ripped open the fabric of time and created such poison and evil to enter through the unsealed jagged portal, it can hardly be imagined. But we’re all seeing it now. The evil fruits of their doing.
And eventually — of their undoing.
For they are the false light written of in all scriptures and they are wolves dressed as lambs. But why should we all reap the rotten fruits of their evil?
I don’t believe it’s karmic at all, and I don’t believe it’s ours. It’s theirs. Some things, many things that are now happening are not related in any way to the karmic wheel, and are actually portals of hell that have opened with demons unleashed in various forms upon the planet.
Their faces and forms are many and they deceive with their masks of sweetness and ‘light’. Beware — they walk amongst us — online and off.
They deceive, deceive, deceive.
Only our God and our Mother Earth fully know the truth of what they are. The whole world is now speaking in coded snake-tongue to deal with the vicissitudes of their very forked snake tongues.
Some are clones, or artificial, or they’re entities and demons riding upon the forms of others.
Some of us can see them clearly, but many cannot.
They speak in evil half-truths
You will know them by their words— such as their use of the saying that ‘God is only love’, and thus this apparently allows and gives them and their kind free license to participate in any and all harmful activities.
They bend and twist the knowledge of the truth of God to their own evil ends, saying they themselves are God — this is a partial truth — but they use it only for worldly power and to torment others.
They abuse others and then twist it so others think it was the other way around.
These are Luciferian occult groups with absolutely no morals or ethics, and no belief in right and wrong, good or evil. Those of us who do know God’s truths, are from different universes and levels of spiritual understanding. They abuse spiritual truths for their own aggrandised power and self-glorification, and with the low aim of getting others to kowtow and accept them as their rulers…...
But whatever you do, no matter what they do to you, or try to, don’t be in fear, that’s the greatest weapon of the dark arts and the starting point of all mind games.
Keep your energy and living power as warmth and sunlight in your hara, and stay strong and gentle as you are, dear friends.
In the days ahead many hidden things will come to light. In these times of intrigue, lies and corruption, many secrets, rituals and symbols used for sorcery will be revealed. Keep your own good counsel whilst quietly unravelling the many mysteries and enigmas.
We will overcome. Light always does, and evil eventually consumes itself.
Can Time Travellers Julie, Shelley & other kin undertake a planetary Re-Vision?
Can we change how it is to what it could be? Can the current extremely destructive downward spiral state of affairs (for humanity AND this planet) be diverted from its totally current one-way ticket to hell route?
Is all of humanity doomed to become nothing but brain-dead adjuncts of Artificial Intelligence — nothing more than breeders and cows, and thus servants and slaves for the vile appetites of the elite?
I feel we can but try to re-vision, as we’ve actually been trying to all along, but been blocked, attacked, slandered and lied about by the oppression of the occult powers and their minions, ‘til our reputations have laid in tatters and our credibility all but destroyed.
But some of us arrived here with a God-given angelic mission, and we’ll continue trying to do what we can within the limits imposed on us by the evil all ‘round us, to keep trying to awaken the sleeping and the dying.
But how do we do this?
Perhaps it must be done via shamanic means. The angelic shamans of the planet, not the lowlife killer apes and blood-drinkers. Every awakening is a coup. A triumph over evil. Some of us will die in the fight, but might choose to return again in these human vehicles, to continue to fight the devils now overtaking this beautiful planet.
Some of us may choose to forever leave this place, to return to other more luminous and peaceful realms.
Betrayed, tortured, tormented, abused, slandered and denied, sometimes we will not want to come back to beat our heads against brick walls once more.
It seems I am one of those. I truly do not want to return to this place, it’s not for me, not in the shape it’s currently in and has been for the longest time now.
However, for as long as I and others are here in this particular time, we must fight the good fight. I will not hold back in my language — it IS a battle, and being all ‘peace and love and light’ will only land you with injuries, death or worse, at this moment in time.
Because that’s how it is right now.
So awaken and gird yourselves in holy armour for we’re here to do battle with the demons and it’s no small battle dear ones.
And part of that battle — to re-frame the meaning of spiritual warrior (its not about sword fighting, I hope…) — is to re-build, re-generate, re-birth and re-awaken.
Yes we can be all peace and love and light, but we must not believe this will be the simple answer, because it’s going to be about getting our hands dirty, healing the land, building with sand and mud, and cleaning the filthy waterways.
It will be about planning and dreaming and doing.
It will be about melding the old with the new, respecting the beloved and good elders (but not the current crop of corruption out there) and the wisdom and budding brilliance also of youth.
The New Eco-Village Vision : How It Could Be
GEN is just ONE of the many progressive and visionary groups evolving to save our world and live sustainably, intelligently and beautifully here, and I love their brand vision, it perfectly encapsulates exactly what this planet and we as individuals are now going through:
“The metamorphosis of the butterfly is a process that occurs in nature that stretches the realms of possibility. Within the chrysalis, caterpillar cells that have been dormant called “imaginal cells” start the process of creating a new form and structure.
At first these Imaginal cells — the seeds of future potential, which contain the blueprint of a flying creature — operate independently as single-cell organisms. They are regarded as threats and are attacked by the caterpillar’s immune system. But they persist, multiply, and connect with each other.
The Imaginal cells form clusters and clumps, begin resonating at the same frequency and passing information back and forth until they hit a tipping point. They begin acting not as discrete individual cells but as a multi-cell organism — and a butterfly is born. Metamorphosis is complete.
Just like the imaginal cells, ecovillages have been seeding visions of regenerative lifestyles and communities around the world while surrounded by growing social and environmental chaos. And, while successful in their own regions, ecovillages are now being called to come together to play a larger role in the great transformation occurring on our planet now.”
Let’s stay with this vision. I like it. A lot. And it’s happening as we speak. So don’t despair beloved, there are angels here doing the work and getting it going for our children and grandchildren.
Trust this.
We have but to somehow stop the current terrible incoming destruction of our atmosphere and the nuking of our world. We’re not aiming for a zombie apocalypse (the current global trajectory) but a global village respecting diversity in every way, yes working respectfully together.
To create a new now, and a new future.
Through this then, real Love might emerge, the true Light might begin to return. And harmonious Peace may yet reign again on this Earth.
And become a place for angels to visit once more. And love it enough to want to stay.
Voices of GEN · Global Ecovillage Network
The video above is just one of many eco-villages around the world now taking root and regenerating and re-visioning the planet, living in such sustainable, healthy community — in ways that respects the diversity of all peoples, not only spiritually but in ways that macro-biotically use the resources in the area within which it lives and grows.
The land urgently needs healing.
As do we.
And the cities going down the drain-holes may need to urgently be decentralised into vibrant living eco-communities.
Who is the Global Ecovillage Network?
“The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents.
GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures.”
I bring them in to this article particularly because they really have beautifully crystallised the vision.
Findhorn in Scotland is of course a much earlier and very beautiful version of the intentional and sustainable community, but we need places that do not have one or more spiritual leaders at the helm, but spiritual collectives and co-operatives.
The singular leader and figurehead must disappear and become the group leadership model, more along the lines of the Native American concept of the Council of Elders (no matter what age) with no one particular person being bowed down to.
This is where I truly believe this world must head.
What is an Ecovillage?
“An ecovillage is an intentional, traditional or urban community that is consciously designing its pathway through locally owned, participatory processes, and aiming to address the Ecovillage Principles in the 4 Areas of Regeneration (Social, Culture, Ecology, and Economy), into a whole systems design.
Ecovillages are living laboratories pioneering beautiful alternatives and innovative solutions.
They are rural or urban settlements with vibrant social structures, vastly diverse, yet united in their actions towards low-impact, high-quality lifestyles.”
— Excerpt from GEN’s website.
Decentralising the Dream
There are so many directions we can go in the future, and that, well, that needs to be — NOW! For our planets and humanity's survival — sure — we can green our cities to a great degree, for those who understandably want to live in larger massive urban sprawls, which has its own attractions and opportunities.
But for those of us who also have a commitment to decentralisation of our home and communities, GEN is just one visionary community that has already take seed and growing beautifully.
I still think I won’t be back once I leave this world — it will take my soul a long while to heal and recover from the severe abuses, intentional sustained psychological torture, lies, betrayal and hatred of others towards me in this particular lifetime.
But for now, while I’m still here, I’m here to re-dream the dream with you all. Along with our dear brothers and sisters already well on the path.
So let’s dream it together.
There’s nothing more powerful than a collective dream. Let’s leave this collective nightmare behind, formed of whatever evil influences hanging around us and trying to feed off our majestic selves, and move forward into the new vision.
Anyone who knows me and my work even a little, know I like to call it the Re-Vision.
“My Life in the Dancing Rabbit Eco Village”· Have you wondered if you really could ever ditch your current life, and start homesteading? Could you grow your own food? Build yourself a house? Meet Rae Machado, a young woman who is doing just that. Take a peek into her life in the “Dancing Rabbit” intentional community outside Memphis, MO. Originally from Hollywood, CA, Rae wasn’t happy with her hurried, materialistic lifestyle — successful on one hand, but seeming to bring more debt and disenchantment than anything else on the other. She craved “real life”, whatever that meant. She visited the Dancing Rabbit Eco Village in northeastern Missouri, and it was love at first sight. For Rae, the learning curve was steep — working as a model really hadn’t prepared her for growing her own food. But she learned quickly, even building her own straw bale house with her partner Elliott. She now acts as a spokesperson for the community, contributing her P.R. and media savviness to the cause of intentional living.
A Dream Cure? The Effective Healing Power of Dream Incubation in Ancient Greece
In the ancient world, many cultures built elaborate temple complexes dedicated to their healer gods - Imhotep in Egypt…
A History of Hypnosis: from Ancient Times to Modern Psychology
Hypnosis is surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. Unfortunately, despite thorough scientific research and wide…
Shamanistic Soul Retrieval by SHELLEY STOCKWELL-NICHOLAS, PhD (Excerpts from Shelley's book "Hypnosis: How to Put a Smile On Your Face and Money… hypnosisfederation.com
Hypnosis Federation - Positively changing the world one person at a time
About the IHF The International Hypnosis Federation is a leadership membership organization dedicated to supporting…
Future Design Series: Building Sustainable Cities
By 2050, 68% of the world's population will be living in urban areas, so in this week's edition of our Future Design…
Global Ecovillage Network
This is the YouTube Channel for the Global Ecovillage Network. The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes…
'Tesla of eco-villages' vision for a post-Covid-19 world Silicon Valley entrepreneur believes the time has come to build artificial-intelligence-driven eco-villages that… www.scmp.com

Time Vortex Interdimensional Portal Tunnel | Moving Through a Bright Wormhole in the Fabric of Space and Time
I first published this in MEDIUM on Jul 9 2020 © and on Facebook a few years prior