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Writer's picture: Julie Von Nonveiller CairnesJulie Von Nonveiller Cairnes

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

I speak things into existence!

I speak my power

And I become it!

I am the all in all!

My power is within me!


Às̩e̩/Ashé (Ah Shay) A Yoruba Word Meaning

Power — Command & Authority.

The Ability To Make Whatever One Says Happen.

Often Summarised As

“So Be It!”

“So It Is!”

“It Definitely Shall Be!”

Holi Às̩e̩ !

The Head As The Site Of Às̩e̩

The head, or ori, is vested with great importance in Yoruba art and thought.

When portrayed in sculpture, the size of the head is often represented as four or five times its normal size in relation to the body in order to convey that it’s the site of a person’s ase as well as his or her essential nature, or iwa.

The Yoruba distinguish between the exterior (ode) and inner (inu) head. Ode is the physical appearance of a person, which may either mask or reveal one’s inner (inu) aspects.

Inner qualities, such as patience and self-control, should dominate outer ones.

The head also links the person with the other-world. The imori ceremony (which translates to knowing-the-head) is the first rite that is performed after a Yoruba child is born.

During imori, a diviner determines whether the child comes from his or her mother’s or father’s lineages or from a particular orisa. If the latter is the case, then the child will undergo an orisa initiation during adulthood, during which the person’s ori inu becomes the spiritual vessel for that orisa’s ase.

To prepare for these ceremonies, the person’s head is shaved, bathed and anointed.

Às̩e̩ !

Taking Back My Life

Sometimes I'm way too nice to my enemies. I give them an inch, I give them a mile, I give them my world, I almost give them my life…. I even naively think they’re going to grow a heart and become human once more instead of the corrupt vampires, demons and hungry ghosts they’ve become.

I do not stand by and let them walk over me. I fight to remain my Self. In my entirety.

For those parasitical earthly or astral entities who continuously try to steal my identity, my life, my creativity and creations, my light and life energy and who I am, with the intention of taking it to make it into itself, into you — this message is for YOU.

You have no right to my light, my life and my energy.

I've NEVER, EVER given you permission

to steal it from me.

My wish and blessing for you is that all the evil you've ever intended for me returns unto you a thousandfold — across all your lifetimes — past present and future.

To YOU forever and for eternity. This is your destiny now. The return of the evil done unto me, back unto you.

This is now commended into the hands of the mandated avenging Angels of God.

Amen and Às̩e̩!

Psalm 139 || Lyrics: David son of Jesse || Performer: Elias Arguello || Animation by: Amitai Angor

Psalm 139

For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.

1 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. 5 You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand — when I awake, I am still with you.

19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ Oṃ Vajrapāṇi Hūṃ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔

Vajrapani: Om Vajrapani Hum (In Tibetan “Om Benza Pani Hung”)

Avalokiteshvara: Om Mani Padme Hum (In Tibetan “Om Mani Peme Hung”)

Oṃ A Ra Pa Tza Na Dhīḥ (Tza is generally pronounced “cha” and when transliterated from Sanskrit is written “ca”.)

ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔

From Tantra: Thunderbolt-Holder

From the Tantra of One-Hundred-and-Eight Praisings:

“The numerous Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were much pleased. Thereupon they blessed Vajrapani and named him the Thunderbolt-Holder, the Master of the Cosmos, and handed him the thunderbolt as the symbol of initiation.

Then Vajrapani said to the Buddha, “O my Lord Bhaghavan! I am the protector of all Buddhas in the three times; I was the protector of the seven Buddhas in the past; I am the protector of the present Buddha and will be the protector of the nine-hundred-and-ninety-two Buddhas in the future.

I shall be their protectors until all of the one thousand Buddhas in this Kalpa have completed their missions. I shall protect them from all hindrances.

I have besought the Buddhas in the past to preach the Dharma, and shall beseech the Buddhas in the future to preach the Dharma; also I shall beseech all the present Buddhas to preach the Dharma.

I pray you, the Perfect One, grant me your blessings.”

ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔

Om Vajrapani Hum is Vajrapani’s Mantra

for Protection

Vajrapani is a member, along with Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri, of the trinity of Bodhisattvas known as the Three Family Protectors.

The Buddha family of which Vajrapani is the protector is the Vajra (thunderbolt) family, which includes Akshobya (the lord of the Vajra family) and Yamantaka.

Vajrapani (Holder of the Thunderbolt) represents the energy of the enlightened mind, and energy that breaks through delusion.

He dances wildly within a halo of flames, which represent the transformative power of Awakening.

He holds a vajra (thunderbolt) in his right hand, which emphasizes the power to cut through the darkness of delusion.

ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔

The Hand Of The Buddha

Vajrapani can literally translate as “Vajra Hand” and Vajrapani is likewise considered the “Hand of Buddha” — much like “the Hand of the King” in the Game of Thrones.

As the Hand, he symbolizes strength and power of Buddha (Enlightened Mind) to overcome all obstacles. “Vajra” literally translates as “indestructible diamond”, and “Pani” means hand, so one translation of Vajrapani is Indestructible Hand. Another translation is “Thunderbolt in hand.”

In essence, they mean similar things, since Vajrapani wields this indestructible force in his hand, for the Dharma.

ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་པཱ་ཎི་ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་

Às̩e̩ !


Invocation for Good Fortune*

*From the writings of Awo Falokun

Oyeku Meji, Oyeku Meji, Oyeku Meji leemeta.

The Averter of Death, the Averter of Death, the Averter of Death, I call you three times.

Mo be yin, bi iku ba sunmo itosi kie bami ye ojo iku fun.

I beg you, if Death is coming, help us to avert it.

Si ehin Ogun tabi ogorun odun, tabi bi iku ba nbo kie bami yee si ehin ogofa.

For all the years that I will be on the Earth, avert my Death until the pre-ordained time of passing.

Odun tiatibi mi sinu aye kie bami ye ojo iku fun ara mi ati awon omo mi ti mo bi.

Avert Death for all my children and avert Death for all those I include in my prayers.

Kiamaku ni kekere, kiamaku iku ina, kiamaku iku oro, kiamaku iku ejo, kiamaku sinu omi, Ase.

May they not die young, may they not die in fire, may they not die in tragedy, may they not die in shame, may they not die in water. May it be so.


Às̩e̩ !


Copyright 2019/2020 © Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes. All rights reserved.

I first published this on MEDIUM on Dec 2, 2019


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